Invitation to the 5th webinar of DSPR

The 5th Webinar of DSPR/MECC focuses on the current situation in Gaza and the West Bank after the recent intense period of violence and destruction. The air attacks on Gaza have caused the death of 253 people, with 66 of them children. Throughout the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, Palestinian protesters have been violently beaten down and arrested, and eviction still lingers for homeowners in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in East Jerusalem. The Webinar will address humanitarian relief, reconstruction and assistance that is provided. In the discussion, relevant and current data and numbers about the situation will be shared and analysed by Dr. Bassam Abu Hamad, Regional Director at Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) and NECC/DSPR-Gaza Consultant. Dr. Bassam will speak about challenges and vulnerabilities facing people during and immediately after the crisis. He will also touch upon the status of reconstruction and relief. Dr. Issa Tarazi, Executive Director of DSPR Gaza will present an overview of the Work and Emergency Plan of Relief and Support to Families Affected and the homes and buildings that are damaged or destroyed. Mr. Ramzi Zananiri, Executive Director International Christian Committee – DSPR Jerusalem & West Bank will share an update about the West Bank Emergency Work Prospects and the Cash Relief to Families assistance programme. Mr. George Majaj, Regional Humanitarian Program Advisor for the MENA Region at ACT Secretariat Amman shares his perspective on the situation in Gaza, humanitarian relief and reconstruction. The ACT Alliance launched the Gaza Emergency Appeal to aid people in Gaza. Participants are provided with an update about the Appeal and what it aims to achieve.

- Dr. Bassam Abu Hamad, Regional Director at Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) and NECC/DSPR-Gaza Consultant
- Dr. Issa Tarazi, Executive Director of NECCCRW – DSPR Gaza
- Mr. Ramzi Zananiri, Executive Director International Christian Committee – DSPR Jerusalem & West Bank
- Mr. George Majaj, Regional Humanitarian Program Advisor MENA at ACT Secretariat Amman

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