Gaza Update

We hope this message finds you well. We want to share with you some critical updates from Gaza amidst the ongoing conflict that is impacting the lives of countless innocent civilians.

Regrettably, we have learned that the DSPR NECC main building in Gaza has suffered severe damage due to the ongoing war. This will leave a devastating impact on the local community and our ability to continue our vital humanitarian work. Many rooms, including critical medicine storage facilities, ceiling, and graphic design centre, each room and store have been directly impacted by the conflict. This loss severely hampers our capacity to provide essential medical support to those in desperate need.

Additionally, we received distressing news from the DSPR Executive Secretary, who has been forced to flee his home with his family three times in recent days to seek refuge and safety. His experiences underscore the dire and perilous situation facing the people of Gaza. Many of our board members have sought refuge with their families in the church. It is a heartbreaking reminder of the human toll this war is exacting on innocent lives.
Furthermore, we deeply regret to inform you that more than five of our dedicated employees and DSPR NECC's previous Area Committee Chairperson, Dr. Maher Ayad, and Mr. Suhaiel Tarazi have had their homes bombed in Gaza.

Their personal suffering reflects the widespread devastation and fear experienced by countless families in the region. Among those employees are Dr Bassam Abu Hamad, His Daughter's home Dr Watan, our accountant, and our PSS social worker, our pharmacist in Darrag Clinic.

In these trying times, we humbly request your support, prayers, and solidarity. The people of Gaza are enduring unimaginable hardships, and your assistance can make a profound difference in their lives. In the meantime we are in close coordination with the ACT Secretariat and local forum, we are actively assessing the situation and formulating plans to launch an appeal aimed at delivering immediate support to the vulnerable and affected communities. Your support in these efforts is not only greatly appreciated but also absolutely essential. Our goal is to ensure a swift and effective response once the war comes to an end.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate this difficult situation. Together, we can make a difference and provide relief and hope amidst of hopeless situation.

With heartfelt gratitude and solidarity,

Nader Abu Amsha
Executive Secretary

Dr. Audeh Quawas
Chairperson Central Committee

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