In a small center facing the Mediterranean Sea a special program is conducted by ICCI focusing improving life skills especially for girls at risk. Each year almost 100 girls most of whom teenagers at risk are becoming dropouts from schools are welcomed to the center. The place is open and staffed for all girls in the community five days a week. The gatherings are divided each according to different age groups giving the opportunity for these young girls to share with each other the challenges of the day and the successes. The situation in Acre continues to be challenging for its Arab dwellers, especially young girls. Project staff spends time with the girls providing them with private and group counseling sessions, extracurricular activities, special awareness sessions. “This center is a safe haven for many of our girls; at such a sensitive age girls, more than boys become under a bigger risk of dropping out from school. Our aim is not only to keep them from dropping out from school but to also help them go back and graduate from school and see a brighter future where they can become productive members of society” said Merry, Counselor and Project manager.