Our Projects

DSPR finds itself in a unique situation being in the Galilee and among ethnic and religious communities where it can play a very important role at strengthening relations among these communities. Every year, DSPR .ooks for unique ways to find frameworks of bringing people from different religions to learn about each other, and to be more aware of their religious-cultural identities and to find commonalities and respect their differences. Special activities were organized for high school teachers including arranging for visits to the Holy Sites of the different religions of the country. This helps the teachers in finding similarities and in seeing how the difference can be worked out to the benefit of all; Jews, Muslims, Druze and Christians. The theme for the last years was visiting the Holy Sites to get to know better the others’ cultural heritage. Following the visits, the teachers met with a religious leader, each from a different community, in order to discuss in depth the significance of the Holy Sites visited and to discuss what these visits meant to them personally and how they could relate their experiences to their students back at school.

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